Friday, September 30, 2016

Rationing but had to be healthy

The rationing had to respect the healthy of the persons, the water rationing can’t take from you the right of drink potable water, the right of do your food with descent water, the problem of the water run out is don’t had potable water for humans and animals, the govern had to remember that, you had to had the right of wash the aliments to take dirt and microorganisms, the workers had to had the right of work in the most healthy environment if is more healthy the poison dye of the cloth be washed of to the workers don’t had headache, nose blinding, skin eruption for a general poisoning the clothes had to be washed, had a hippie manifest against the tint clothes that defend that perosns use clothes without tint to the workers don't had to work with poison this was very fight with the fashion industry of Europe, but this bring a change, the industry atempt the manifest and create a more healthy process we gonna walk back? After use chemical products in the cleaning the product had to be wash off to don’t poison  the persons and animals and plants. They could recycle that water had theories that came from the 70’s, (1) centrifugation, (2) evaporation, (3) filtration, (4) 'fracionamento' cracking and in my school we study many texts that came from the 70’s and 80’s even texts that was banned, this texts was the banned, for all the planet not only in Brazil because was a kind revolutionary but many was about better factories, and freedom for every sight ‘sentido’, of even musical choice, we had art expression that isn't art class, for this is for small children, before the 1st grade we read texts about the human rights, human rights in the factory, the cruelty with animals not the pets but the ones that would feed us the ones of the farms, this is hippie the normal cruelty with animal moviment don't mind for the animnals of farms, those hippies don’t like politics, and mess with the factory and the countryside, the fact is funny and was a important point of view we need all that but of a more rational way, this is what the hippies was talking, thanks God to had the movement hippie, they try humanize all the places that there’s a human or a living been, even plants suffer of his way but suffer. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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