Sunday, September 25, 2016

Psychograph a Jew recipe of food

And was that way, the lady that do this recipe was kind of Jew but work for a Jew family they would had live in Italy, the cook of the house was a daughter of a prostitute that went with Jew so she was kind of Jew, his father only could be a jew, and the mistress was who teach her how to do the recipe, and the recipe was: you take the wheat grain and smashed to came flour but don’t need be so perfect, she mill the grain with  a rock pounder , and mix with water and make not to big disks and bake in the oven probably not to much, because she would put fill of chicken shredded in the middle of the disks and close it like a bag and pass a thread in the bag border to close it and in a pot would be with water and oil, boiling with the heat of the fire, and put this bags in the boiling pot, water with oil boiling is much more danger than oil alone, is how I make my cheese bread a boiling oil and water, so the lady fried the chicken bag in oil and water boiling, and was a big pot in the fire that she put all the bags and stir not left to right or right to left but down to up in circles motions all the time till get fried, may be a fry with less oil? So that recipe get very famous because the cook work for this Jews and when she can she sales this chicken bags in Italy, probably in a so far time that probably was the prepare food to buy that exists, she probably had many customers. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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