Saturday, September 10, 2016

Something that I psychograph about the modeled candy of Brazil

Was that the recipe was from Bahia but was grated cheese with coconut and sugar, modeled, when a sforeign came to Bahia to eat it, didn’t like and a person of my State this in that very far past said that went to my State to it something better; first in my State that we had milk candy, of cut, pastoso pasty, cremoso creamy, fondant and tijolo brick besides we also do a pot sweet named ambrosia, and make the milk sweet with ‘coalhada’ yogurt; and the person make it up a modeled candy, and the stranger knew that he was joking of said that the modeled recipe already exists, in Europe the critics was so serious that the man was joking that person said that my State don’t deserve the authorship of the recipe, my State was hate very much in the Europe, we was called rude and stupid, the person of my city think was only playing a joke, he was very polite but the fame of my city bacame impolite, rude and stupid for that wonderful candy, that who joke it isn’t take "treat" serious, was a time that we stop travel to Europe, don’t be treat like serious person is included be raped? The State always send they milk candies to Europe, because is validity of 3 to 5 years, the sweet could travel to the northwest port in Recife, travel to Europe arrive in Portugal travel thru the European continent and are still in the validity, probably all this travel to came to the far European consumer was 6 months, the fondant is the name that the Europe choice for a creamy almost pastry milk sweet, this was used in their 'confaitaria' pastry. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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