Wednesday, September 7, 2016

The candy of Brazil and from Europe and the cake top of the past

The candy industrialization of Europe was based the candies be made from the fruit syrup, and the fruit syrup was the start for the European candies and ‘refrigerantes’ soda pop, one way to get the syrup is first the jam and after put more sugar and water and cook again to make the syrup, had to be well cook because the industrialization demand very durable products, and after the syrup if for the refrigerante is mix with water with gas, and if for candy mix with the base for the candy making hard candies or soft candies.
In Brazil the candy is not a jam but a cut soft mass, is the fruit cooked till get a soft solid, part the kind of fruit part the cooking part the proportions of sugar and fruit.
The cake in my family, so of my family I learn how to do four cake covers, the glacé real (the same use of the butter coat), the glacé marmore, and the glacé italiano, and marshmellow all them started from egg white.

After I learn in classes how to make pasta Americana, the one that is bought already done but I learn how to do in class, and also massa elastica with CMC that is used to do flowers and cloth in cake because could be open till be very thin, extrutura for tree and wall and the whole house, the rock of sugar, and a old fashioned glace marmore made in the beginning with coconut milk all this I learn with the professor Núbia Lima from my city, she used to give lessons at 10 years in past, she was young she probably she still give lesson of the same subject, I could give the same lesson is that in my city we almost could give what we learn since not in TV or something look like, in a not recorded classroom I could teach, and we could record for the future like a documentary but not sale the tapes like lessons, and of course we can't denature the documentary purpose to make money, and I also learn with my mother that learn with a older professor Mattu Macedo isn't anymore Macedo because she get divorce, how to make chantilly starting from the fresh milk cream, and had the chantilly industrial here had three labels two that are sale in store that sale for professional kitchen I used to went to them, the labels that I use to buy that is for professionals are - Mago - , -Mix - , and - Wilton - this last one North American. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim 
Ps.: I also know how to do butter top coat, in my city is used the gordura hidrogenada, my mother teach me, the gordura hidrogenada substitute the pig fat, is more clean and with less smell, very beat the fat lost a little of the smell because came a foam and get multiply.
I also know how to do chocolate top coat, like trufa or ganache the difference is the quantity of milk cream that make the ganache more liquid, cover with the smelted chocolate and cover with sugar syrup that I used for cookies rarety for cakes, and cover with in powder chocolate and confectionary sugar, and blá, blá, blá a lot others more. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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