Wednesday, September 21, 2016

My bread of yesterday

With turkey ham, I pass 20 years eating to the pork, sometimes my mother buy the pork ham, but I prefer very much the turkey one, I like also the blanket and the smoked turkey meat, and was with coriander. And the dough that I don't had filling for I make buns with sesame.
And a tip, to stick sesame, how I do it is this way I wet my hands, I put water in my hands had no special way, if was small the bread I would wet only the fingers,
and I pass the hand in the buns to they get wet, you could use a brush but the quantity of water is bigger than a wet hand and the sesame won't stick,
the secret is in here - so don't do it very fast after wet the bread and pass the sesame, or gonna be water in the bread skin and would to stick a little, water don't stick well, when wait a little the water gonna 'melar' make it stick, would not be water but water with flour, in pastry water and flour is glue, and the sesame gonna glue very much in the bread, but don't stay waiting or the surface went to get dry and don't gonna stick, but don't suffer apply water again. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim 

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