Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The watches in my small truck and a tip

This is my truck that I keep my watch and some of my jewelry

Of course I put them in cloth bags to they don't scratch one the other.

this one I had to tigh with a ribbon to it don't get scratch for itself

this is a pair of brooch

this is a ashtray that you carry in the purse to don't make mess with the ashes of your cigarrete. the full pack for smocker is a beautiful ligther
 and a a beautiful 'cigarreira' cigarrete holder, my mother don't let me bought the rest because she afraid that I could start to smoke, we are a no vicious family. And the tip is when you watch get out the battery you can change the battery, this is very important or you gonna would had for a year only a watch, and thru a way your watch when the battery went out, so you gonna had your watch for more than ten years you only had to change the battery and some care with this jewelry that work would make longer his life. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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