Saturday, September 10, 2016

Cookies that I eat when child

My mother used to take me to stores to eat good food I was good daughter went good in School and wasn't that good of eat, sometimes I don't eat very much one day I said to my mother that she was the old witch of Gretel and Hazel, in here João e Maria and was fatten  me to eat me, she didn’t like the joke, this cookies was bought in a store named alimenta that sold import food, and also I do lunch ‘merenda’ a coxinha a baked flour in chicken broth filled with a delicious shredded chicken meat  and battered and after fried,in the Balu, the only cry of my city to Bahia had invented the shredded chicken is that is the way that we put in our ‘confeitaria’ our confeitaria had salty food, the chicken in the food like the coxinha, ‘folhado’ flaky, bread of a lot of kind, and chicken pie, empada and a lot of others preparations, we practically in the bread of pastry patisserie we prefer shredded chicken to the others meats, and also is how the babysitters do all the roast and cooked meat for small children eat, the mother cut in small piece with the knife. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim
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