Saturday, August 31, 2024

I was of race pre-Arab pre-Egypt

 I wasn't being funny, I even didn't like jokes, my father that would be king married and his brother stole his wife and my father only married again, peole laught of his brother because this time my father choose for the beauty, and he with a stupid unfaithful woman, that idn't respect even a husband and a king. I born of course in the second wife, I never like the subject, people say that the first was my mother insanity, my mother was the beautiful, I used to think about the wierd woman she had a poor pussy wanted a poor dick. Of course they run away and hide from my father. Stupidity live hide in any caotic place to hide from the king more pelado than Adam and Eve.

I said that I didn't did like the father because could the friend not came, and I married right. Could not sound but I wasn't being funny. I even said that the demon brought the laught and I would ban the laught and the demon.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

The formation of the society

 The society had a lot of philosophical concept, when when we study law we have a little of philosophy, even have philosophy of the law, ha even pholosopher of German of the 17-18 centuries so is a philosophy that isn't that way dead.

Had the pacto social - social pact, philosophically means that all the society even the primitive ones are made fby men in place of be God, thinking deep about the subject Europeans don't see demon very often. Imagine that even in the Brazil in place of pact be an acestor that are the own demon? That is a European thesys that European way is considered for all the humans. When the white people make their pact they considered that the law is so bad as is bad the man, men and women, because the own benefector and the prejudiced is who write the law, but after gonna appear the best, the empire of the best, so than the law would be write of the best, because they would chose their liders - kings.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

The problem of that medicine

 And the story is that who discover was woman, isn't chauvinism in my mind but just superstision, the story was that when she discover the plant for the abortion she was considered a witch, because she could have relations and don't got pregnant, type she coul control something natural that was a woman if fertile and had relations for sure she would got pregnant, so she was accused of be a witch and executed, what the weight of that for the Catholicism?

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

My guide said the life of woman of 1700

That she was a famous soul in that places that they do macumba, in Brazil, because was a pretty woman with lovers that was raped in the 18 century because painted the nails of red and that didn't existed in Brazil, I imagine that had people that hate everybody and gona find the origin of the red nail enamel, but was the thing that I listen of that guide.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Friday, August 30, 2024

The feeling remains

 Who don't like me don't read my blog.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Can't you see that Japan don't want give culture for Europe

 The Asia control the west? See Asia want be Asia and doesn't give culture, see that the ocidental families are great, that if we don't have the Christianism we don't have religion. That the only thing of religion that Orient give for the Ocident is something worse that the own oriental have, isn't even the religion is only the part that aren't good, that Arabs are oriental and like the wife with the respect for them like the Ocidental woman have for the husband. That something is in the religion is agressive for the ocidental people, that of course priests want to know about how sex is made by the followers to see if they are sining, but religion don't taught sex for ocidental people, that who  give permission but see ocidental people don't want the permission, that the permission is for the deformed sex and depravation, that some of that are not only sin but crime, that nobody like people that make this diferent of sex, I not only don't like who look for wise people that taugh sex that I don't want listen, that a biological book is the enough about sex. That nobody like to walk and look to a bookstore and there had pornograph, like people aren't molseted when child becuase sex in all the places that we look, that say that existed love between a old man and a small girl is obscene, that if the man loved her would notice that she can't be ready for it, that wait for the maturity of a girl more than normal, that be afraid of she a prostitute and when became 6 lose the virginity with another only to make the man mad, she is a prostitute, the rest of us don't talk? The opinion is only mine? That people are making manaces to me!

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

People asked that

 I never care about the lies of Bebe but one that she prank, she said that she die and was ressucited by a wich, Catholic like I was how I felt range. And my poor friends with faith, in that wich that I said that was the prsotitute that said that had a daughter with my father. A play, a prostitute making the biggest miracle of Jesus! I passed to odiar the Bebe. Because a prostitute said that had the power of Jesus. But that miracle is in the past, she died years after, she did that at least 3 times of disappear and sai that was ressucited, and if people kill her to see if the prostitute resuscitate her?

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Calm down seu perverso

 All the water of a lake can't the quantity to passes your thirsty, you only explore and destrata the people, you can kill a person to drink all his blood.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

A consult

 I saw have some years the cost of rent bride dress, in my city was that way, first rent is 5000,00 reais but with the fact that the money got evaluated, I don't remember the citation of the dollar in the day or year, I used to do that when was car price, to think in 10 years what is the real price of a car? Humans take millenios to the evolution but cars, computers? So the second rent 2000,00, and the store didn't make a 3rd rent they used to sale for small stores or destroy them. Had stores that doesn't sew a dress, the problem of bride dress that is teoricall the most expensive dress to rent. Probably a bride dress to buy would be 3 times more expensive that one of 1st rent. For who don't want keep the dress... But rent is something that for who don't like is also this, count the pieces of the set, and also got used that who rent for the 1st time have a bright like be rich, is that a person asked that silly question, I have to say that way to you understand that I don't endosso-endorse what mean, imagine that I listen bad ideas, and I need to people understand that I am talking about even what is bad, so sometimes the person could think that is a goo idea, see if I rent expensive false nails, lately I buy some that is the expensive model, from manicure in set of 10, manually made, so imagine if I rent the 1st person would not spent what I spent to buy, would appear with wonderful nails, bancando with money nails, and I would receive a used break and ugly, used set, can you imagine that the person would use bright new and even return with all love is of second hand? And I spent a bucks of money to show with damaged dressing. Had a expression that the only that take care is the owner, who rent abuses, that take care of it like be yours.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

The more beautiful love is

 The oen that generate descendants. See the problem of my mother and father when I was a baggar, is that they even love each other in other lives, but my mother was a lot of times my father, was in past in love by the Andre, the same soul that I call Andre. So for when my father was girl my father was the Andre. Is that the son was with the Andre, the Andre is who was my father, so what importance had? So I was the boyfriend of homosexual uncle, he like men... Who read that blog a lot of time remember that I said that my mother was saint that die with a small baby in the arms, and one time my father wanted be the baby and he didn't die, my fahter was the Andre. He is selfish, homosexual, but was my father that isn't genetic, and I was like him, if I let people would offend me so much, because my father was confused with a angel but homosexual, and I was male son, my family doesn't like people comparing me with him because he was hatted and homosexual.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Look Luminaria

 Everybody knows that the daughter of that old woman, I didn' said that she had fame of witch, that think that is a peostitute and not a witch, eat trash, I thought that was because she lived in a house with a husband with alive wife, and the old wife of the husband force her to eat trash, sleep in the kitchen, be used by the employees of the house, what good witch is her mother, but I am not for places calling her names, the family of my father probably hated her and she was never cite in France before they be banned.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

I am seein that is gluing in the end of the World

 So we are talking about the pirate Babar, ok. See you are giving something much better to Bebe than justice but in the end of the world she is killing you. You are rich are marring her and she was very prostitute isn't better that justice? Don't blow my patience about it you are the prince and she is my friend that was beggar and became prostitute I remember, but bolw my patience I don't remember, she was evil. You are making rich a demoniac woman. How she would deal with all her enemies? You will became a very hatted man, she betrayl me. She wanted the rich guy of England for her and lie about me with my other friend that wanted marry me. I gonna talk with your friend, but I gonna take one precaution, you don't gonna rob my time, you are from a place that people got rotten of don't make their life important, you had a meanless life, sometimes I talked with my father that was keeping you alive! Was yuor father! So let deal with that, Bebe is the woman that was rape by women in England, in Italy, and in Japan. Let me say what was she said for the rich guy of England that he was pathetic, idiot, that he didn't even knew walk alone out of his house, tat he was depedent of someone help him, he humiliate him, don't you like him? The woman that deal with your father is a woman much older than my father with a som older than my father and married, my father assume a daughter with a much older woman that was married, my father was friend of his son she seduce a young friend of the son, their parents when knew he assume be father of the daughter of the daughter of a married woman never return to talk with him.

So the Bebe was the lover of the priest the one of the cross, garlic, she told for the others but not for me that the priest said to her that went with men to make money, was the priest that she was in love. She got real mad was because all her friends had a father rich and the mother was a beggar, and she was daughter of a poor man rom italy. The problem of my friend that wanted marry me was that his mother was rapped for two rich guys.

The problem in Italy was an older revenge, she talked nasty things about my sister, I said to Bebe that she was rich, wasn't the rape in England but her marriage, so when the prince of Japan wanted marry her she I warn him that she was already married but bad married, her mother married her with a old man with fame of be sorcerer that still had wife alive, his wife frequently revenge of my sister, she had so much lovers that was the husband making her had abortions all the time, she was so hated that in the end people said that she had a uterus imundo, she only had poor lovers, the imunda was deseases, she was married just after the rapein England she was 6 years old.

Also that I knew Bebe dieed before me, how the Babar married her, she return? So when she talked about my sister I said for the other friends that she was from a dengerous family, type even if the money didn't existed they were dangerous. 

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Thursday, August 29, 2024

And he write me

 That the mongol taught to the father how to masturbate that unpolite, I make a story about the boy used to masturbate and the hand got hairy in the palm and in the church he hold the hand of virgen girl, in the end he say a se toque. He write to me to say that I would had a baby with or my old friend or with the polite man of England that was very gay, step on him he didn't understand, his father was son of a princess with a poor man his brother was almost 30 years younger with a royal father, so I make so much stories about unpolite mean poor boy and princess evil and that honor the word, in the end I said Ok that I would manage, so I stay almost a 5 months withou write to him, I write for a man that wanted kidnap me when I got orphan he was noble and rich was just older than father, but father was so young. I write to him that I was thinking in have a son if he want be the father. And one day he appeared in the castle of father, peweeee, he was horrible after all that years, I said no way make cara feia I was already choose who want have a son with me and he accepted. I wasn't needing something natural like a animal, I had the right of look for a rich important man.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

One short story

 From Japan and people ask me to tell, was about the mongol that the father had a son that was mongol, mongoloide, and the fathe bring a woman to the son, I said to my father that story was that way, the father was namorador womanizer and the father when the mongol got teenager, want all day walk with the father, and the father that all day was looking for ladies had to passes all the time out home with the mongol, and the mongol was ruining the love life of the father, so in the end the father hand't a day to find got girls, in the end that the father try got homw withouth the son follow him, and was useless, in the end the father got mad and say a lot of shit for the son, and he said Ok fahter but you can bring a rosca. O mongol was smart, didn't want see the father upset.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Had forgot about that evil woman

 She look dement but I remember that I had to warn about her! She would say to destroy a person, that the end of the world is because the poor girl was saved, isn't because that is because another woman fall incarnations after, so she would came to say to who wanted the C. saved that was her salvation that cause everuthing, but was because she got another person and make the person make that thing.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

I tried help a bit more

 I have to trust on him, because he had a atraso he need a powerful help. I had to trust because I was to give a card of a pelintra, if he tremble he would be in danger, the moral have to be high, but if the need was that big, and a salvation of a soul was a causa poderosa even against the demon, I said that I could forgive but help was out of my possibilities, I was only a chil of 9 years, that he remember of never accept a price that wasn't money, and that demon could travel in the time and warn the person for him, he would notice. The demon have to tempt the person and he change the skin this is a pelintra.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Some chat that we had

 One I said to him about the lady that never passed of the 6 years old, after years she started to be over that age and I one time that I tried be her friend she almost put me in real problems, I had born sometimes in Oriental lands I in the begining I was Egyptian, and I born that time in Europe and I tried be his friend even she being a prostitute, I was son of a Rabi and I was 9 and she was 12 years old, that was so in the far past that in Oriental lands people knew that existed lie but in Europe no. Had a lot of famous storical stories from there that had plot and so also lies. In Europe people was so afraid of be quested about a worng thing that they had did that people to don't say the truth, cut out the own tongue. Was weird the people even didn't knew shut the mouth. So Maria is a old name, had a important woman of name Maria that one day look for her in the hore house, to ask form her a imoral favor, Maria was a important woman not so young middle age that was important becuase was woman of the right men, she wasn that kind of respectful married woman but one that had important men that do even violent things for her, I even after thought that C. had youth and beauty, but she nobody Maria was a inteligent woman and important men do things for her, this is the humanity, the most inteligent always gonna be in better place. This is right? Don't know, so to the imoral favour, she was for pity friend of a woman that lived with the parents and she open to her his heart, she had rich parents but had a humiliating life the mothe rof the fahter was a man with her, once that she went to that terreiros, I never was in one, was a dishonest place that people was used for sex even with animals, they said to her that she was a prostitute that make sex with a old woman to born in the family of her son, so his life got even more rotten. At the time only she was know had did such thing, and Maria went after C. to ask her to also make sex with a old woman, exactly the grandmother of the unfortunate friend, I said to C. why don't plot a sad story to Maria don't ask that again like you had already did with another woman, Maria was dangerous, what she answer me that I taught her to lie, and she make a very evil face of satisfaction, I said no C. you are right lie is a very bad thing doesn't do that, you can't say things that aren't lie, I say to confuse her, was fast like a knife, she even forgot what was the begining lie was something that only Jews in that land knew, people at the time was so evil with prostitutes that another prostitute older than she a man that had a rare cagado of a Island of Pacific, went to the same hore house to a young prostitute be with his turtle, becuase hadn't there a female turtle, and the turtle was virgin, prostitute was treated like that.

I never return to be friend of C. so I even didn't want to know what she told to the Maria.

The other thing, they was saying that was talking of the past with me of 20 years in the future, he liked my opnion, and one was that the first law wasn't marriage but the fahter be the fisrt man, I had a vision that under the land had a demon, that he sent his brother that had black hair the law was from him, in my vision the demon know very well who was the girl of the land , so if she isn't good was to be the father if they were better marry them, see sometimes the woman there is the demon of the husband, so if was that was to be the father to they be better with the husband, see a punishment. 

 He talked in the past because one day his brother got know that the girl-friend of my uncle the blond said many years before that was a violent law that the father take the virginity of the daughter, and he was mad for the borther I said to him that she was only a persn with more feelings that only says what passes in her heart sincere, that he didn't got mad with her, that she only felt the problem of the other she wasn't the girl an even was mother of a girl. That be violent agaisnt nice people that care about the others feelings had even princes in Europe that the people revolted kill.

He one day said that she married with 8 years old, and with 10 had a son, that men got in the house an she run away with the baby and they kill his husband. That she gaved his son to adoption probably in a near country also oriental, and passed the life to know who kill his husband, I said to him that I thought that she did this way to his son didn't try revenge the father and be murder, I thought that was in Japan that the son have to do justice to the father. When she died he was 40 an she was 69 years old.

Also had that his brother said to me that he was to marry, my sister the one with problem, do you know what I already got knew, and was recent? That her mother was who bet with his father, I didn't had told to my uncle but, I got knew that he didn't trust nobody and his father had told for 3 faithful empoyees that he trust in the son with dark hair because he was evil, nd the one that was good if he discover that he would murder the own son. I warn him, I write a code to sent. I thought that the one of dark hair wanted marrys her because type he was evil!!!

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

I make some ŕesearch for my uncle

 I had a lot of money I paid a good wich to discover a past, was because he never knew who was his father, how he was brother of my father, the story was that way, you don't but brothers in Japan don't feel bad t marry the wife of the other, so he lived with the own father, the father of my father after the wife of the brother had a son convince her to return to France and be his wife, so the father of my father had jealous of her and didn't admit she say that she was wife of his brother before marry him, very uncommon in Europe. So my grandfather was his uncle.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

And people need tĥat story

That sister, I had a friend that moved to England he write to me to say, I never told to father that her mother was so hate, she was a person that process kill people in England when they got courage was more then 300 to rape her and she was only 6, and they menace her that if she told anything for her mother that the old cooker that was a woman would make service with her type rape cut her tongue, drown her and other violent things, to she never walk in Enlgand saying that her mother would kill anyone. I didn't said to father that could turn in bad return.
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

That old lelé

 God said to that handsome things that are places up there to be afraid of the comic things of the hell, was in a deep hell, a place dangerous even for the demon people the grown-up was the Andre was a humilation the only ones that was respect was me and God, people that cousins was so disrespected so many times that with my intelligence I was thinking that God would say to the fathers that they knew what kind of sons they have to send to be Grandsons of God in a so dangerous place, remember well people are very humiliated if they are zombeteiros, God said be afraid to bo one mock the horrible things of the deep hell.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

We had some conversations maybe was telegrafo

 Why don't know where the station near Japan. He told me a lot about his country about his female friend, had one that was the usual. He once said that if I wanted to him came, I was thinking like an European girl that he had a girlfriend, so of course I said not he had a relationship, see was they fire and water, he told me details, they were hot! Once I write to him, is that he told me that he date women because they were good to make sex, he was gay and hate them, he really didn't want her delivering she make abortions, once I said to him that the problem of the homosexualism is that a man forgot of constitute a family, and don't have the normal transcurso - passing of his life, I think he need marry he only was in the good company didn't need love but she was good for him or nobody, she was a very free woman. I said that sometimes people let the life passes because are in the company of the wrong woman for himself. I myself cold think in had kids but I wasn't thinking about was a time that people lived close in their countries was a era flamboyant and violent. Would be nice receive a visit if was that we can see the future, friendship I am very found of the idea. I am not a master but I try give good advice, in the end the violence was so big in Europe that probably, this I conclude that France was the best place to live. Fro what I listen the murder was very big in Japan, they murder families, I already said that they did things like in Europe, in Europe was because were rich families for robbery and in Japan like revenge. People there was living in a quest, that was type endless. Live in anxiety, for what I understand beginning like a game, but involved families, and came to be caotic, if I lived there I probably one ay would don't gonna live there, had imoral debates of see if a daughter love the father to save his father wisdom? People suffer that moral quests. People can just jump out of the pan? Was families kidnapping young ladies, the age of marriage for women fall drastically, he even a serious man, didn't marry with a young lady, is that people the rape was so high that they marry the lady with 5 years old I think. Is that you are asking? 

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim


 He wasn't handsome, many years before he invited me to visit England to see catacombs because I write a book, my father wanted live me alone and run to France I said would be two running, live me alone with that strange. At the time the culture was very low, I asked to sent I paid my father pay me a salary, I make his clothes, material from Greecy, I read a lot of material from Greecy a person make copies and sent by mailing, I relative of my father that was from Japan used to say that there had a lot of culture I asked to him sent had a lot of poetry, type music, had a lot of poetry that was something that I think was sang, was very meloso, wasn't nothing about what people in Europe would like, the love of a man by a woman was almost offensive of read, maybe erotic poetry? 

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

About dependency

 When I was a from France and my mother came form Germany, let me say that people are asking about a friend of my father that lived in England, what is the problem? Don't talk? A friend of my father need what? And what any french people with that? He was one of the most dement man of Europe of that Era. He lived with a old prostitute and she put her degeneration on his ass, his soul was considered lost. He knew my friend of poverty the lady and the one that was male that wanted date me, poor of them travel rom FRance to there to be used for a depravado, so I think that finishes the assunto, he was very bad with two and never paid for that. My friend that was female travel because of him for Italy was used by women, to Japan was used for women, what do you want of the world? Sometimes I used to think that she suffer all that because dreamed that could marry with him and he only wanted make all that with her. Type that she wanting marry a well in life man, let him use a lot. Homosexual sometimes are cruel arent for them! Iamgine a woman illiterate in a foreign land probably she was treat like an animal because can't talk with them. I have some culture, my mother taught me till she die, she was rich girl in Germany. She had a book that read for me, of all that she could carry one thing was a book, sometimes I think that you choose the kid you want to have when you remember of what you want to be near you when nothing is left.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Who like a God that

 See in that Heaven had the day that God is disprespected and robber, and who is there with Him, He even love more who rape Him then the Grandsons, He thinks if people robbe him they can rob the Grandsons. I fight miserably, they only rob my education but today is enought! Was to much! They way he does he born in any place, who wants be his descedants after would born in a prostituted demoent woman, because is only thing that they let prostitutes births. People asks why I born poor, was because I wanted passes that poverty. So I thnak be his Grandson? No! Is a miserable rape there read the Bible my guide said that Jesus was saying that way even in the Kingdom, I am not finding my Bible, have the violence, my guide said that Jesus was warning that Jesus said was oral! My only guilty is have a brother that want be in Heaven to be grandson of God, besides that I have no sin. I pay because a brother! I am the only that I paid because a brother that want be up there even if he have to close the eyes and say lies to him, I can't force him to not be there, the rob in the mouth is like sugar in the mouth of the kid, he didn't like me, I test him I said for the fraternal love don't do it, priest have the love fraternal among them.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Madame ma'am

 The demons had jurisdiction, there had laws, people wanted be under that law, you don't have you are under the law of a prostitute, prostitutes chase more the humanity than demons, the land that I live you aren't under a jurisdiction women that revolte against the men, the demon don't want. Sapatonas and things like you epend of a prostitute that date Gods and demons to give those things to you the impression that you have God. You cursed your father, this enough for the demon to you don't have a law, so the demon hate all the women that put the father under the mother, the demon isn't a woman.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim 

People asked that part of the story what the hurry?

 And was a minute on that day, my cousin got in the Heaven to talk with our Grandfather, I have to say at that time he wanted be more friend with the humanity, and I was carying nothing about the subject. I had born less than 10 times and he 200 times, he was at the time a soul with cancer in the prostate and with ovarios also kind of explodidos, you don't understand a person sleep with dogs wake up with fleas everybody laught, so he was thinking that Poquerona was ulgy, I remember how short was his memory, so I hide in a place there afraid of his ideas, so he look for one side and the other didn't saw nobody and said, to our Grandfather that Porquerona was ugly and the Grandfather would be more handsome with his face. You understand that he would point anybody that he saw in the room the Porquerona was super ugly!

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

What the meaning of that music

Is that I listen one Jesus, one not the one! So the meaning probably the person thinks like me, is that we need have a Jesus in our soul, like you are your Jesus because Jesus can fail, also the meaning for me is that my Jesus isn't a copy of Jesus, and he save me! The Jesus that talked with me is famous and think in a personality that had a lot of covers, phans that dresses like him and interpreted him.

The story about him is the end of like so much of prostitutes, and he is gay! He gave his spiritual body for a prostitute and pretend that was dead, and the woman gave him to the others her followers, prostittues and the most violent taught for the others that his body be gave was they use the stupid guy that was pretend was dead, and in the end she started to cut in pieces his body, and the prostitute that he loved and trust wasn't intelligent and lose the lover for the throng of violent prostitutes that were now mutilating his stupid and younger lover, but the owner of the idea gaved all the pieces for her daughter to she own everything that was of the men that was being mutilated, appear that the prostitute lover thoughts that was good because she was old and if one day he had sons or daughters would be with another woman because she was older and with a lot of sons and daughters, had all that, even the violent woman had less kids she had only one daughter, and even she meditate about a young man that gave his body for a old woman full of descendants, in the end his daughter was afraid of receive the last piece that was the malar of the guy and the mother use like a thong calcinha asa-delta!

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

I was listen about 3 deaths

 Have to have a title the other was horrible, I listen that God doesn't believe even in Him because He place on His body a woman that kill Him 3 times, God can't read thoughts He didn't know what I thought. I just thought carry my Father down there that God wasn't certainly better that the others 3, He didn't die because He just come after the other 3, so I push my father to say that... My cousin didn't only thought but said I listen! That she supposes to kill until rest one because the last was good, I was thinking about the new God that was a very unhappy person that would die to came the next if He doesn't are sure of who He was, so He wanted have the old enemies! In the day He appear He wasn't very amazing and if his memory is only 2000 years? You know His first plan... I thought was something so old, just be in that day thinking in how lie! That ones till that day was my Grandfather and that was a thing that was thinking in how He could lie! A Grandfather false was replace for a false grandfather. He was all and rest the worse part? The problem of the woman was she was pretty prostitute an didn't wanted a God that was gay, He even wanted to be Her, I never understand my Grandfather had envy of beautiful women. He said once that He wasn't stupid, but He even being very intelligent He commit mistakes, probably she was one mistake, He wasn't nothing of good, I was thinking that woman could had the right of choose, but so much impertinency, I think that she was so stupid of accept almost everything but God, she was ruined woman, being pretentious, so what gonna happens, so stupid if God was patient imagine that was all under Him was to be, the woman is the stupidity of the world, men do the wars the best of them to see the women ruining in despair because the good are killing each other to see the worse survive to show them what is violence. So sometimes the good let the worse rule, specially to give the violence the woman deserve. They need be break, and was even more humiliating woman destroying woman, maybe had the power to break them, they never were good.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

That mailing is getting polute

 This stupid people have to understand that all the houses of decent people have schedules, I see the big mother, big mother because haven't even GOD! Have a movie that the representation of authority was the big brother, was a gang society philosophy, had society, community, population do you know the difference? Is also philosophical. Yuo are insert in all that? A community, a society a population, you have all that acquivements? Do you know the difference of education and culture? And folklore? Do you know the difference of language and communication? Animals had communication, philosophy is something impressive!

So for primary in houses of decent people have schedule, we eat in regular hours an we had the time of sleep, and even an animal had the right of that, I see the indecent creation of those big mothers that represent all, God, law, community, society, source, acknowledge, so there isn't taught right? DECENCY? Respect? So the big of mother is who had duty with them and not anybody in the outdoor, the creature that deliver and eats the thing of hers, is that story of the woman that deliver that maligny creature? that story who is completely right is the woman that deliver without a man make her pregnant his son is the wrong part od thee story, but that creature that came to light they commit crimes disrespects, they doesn't understand what is immoral. They do because they don't know decency or is because they were always a monster and attack is what they pretend? Mas também putos monstrous queue precisam ser defendidios da humanidade imagine como era imunda a mãe.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

The guide said at least he need or he doesn't do no good

 He is a mercenary worse that a corsary so bad as a pirate. He discover that a woman beautiful like as a trash can she only have to open her ankles to open her ass. Is type she kill that much her soul is easy when the person is a trash, she was recovery and kill all that her soul to serve for that, this power they didn't use he said was a black guy, he scared people because he had a person that is missing a leg, and he hold the côto, so he make manaces holding the amputations, to the people that is the subject of the macumba(I don't know a better name) so the person thinks that is missing a leg because have a sorcerer holding the côto of a person that is missing a leg. I saw a movie that a person sold the soul to live in a house with meals.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

This have 6 days+-

I don't have to do that because I didn't die but that person of the mailing, so she can't keep for the next life because haven't so is eat with shit, but or she uses or she never gonna have a second chance, that God said that He never would fool nobody so much, wasn't because He wanted what is from her, is because she had enough power to attack him an he return minutes till a full day, she thinks that kill Go is win, or I don't what passes on her brain.

So had 6+- days that a person was with about sobrevida - sobre-life is he from USA? Hadn't a perfect translate for that word survival? And he is right, no! He didn't give a sobrevida but a sub vida, a sub life. Sobrevida is extend a life, like a person that had cancer, he was talking about my grandmother, she before need a transplant she had cancer, everybody after an operation of remove cancer have a sobrevida, because people die of cancer, she isn't no more in the rate of life normal of a population, she would lived in the rate of population tipe, everybody lives 80 years old, but who had cancer the life expectancy isn't 80 years old, is lower, and sub vida - sub life is the life under the poverty, populations of Africa that haven't 3 meals day, a person that lived in a dumpyard in Brazil and live with rats, a person that hadn't a decent work but is camelô in any city of Brazil, a person living below the poverty line, how people got that acknowledge went to a good regular school of 13 years of formation, this is human Geography.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

What a stupid dream

 In the mailing had a lady that want to be Indians manicure in the Amazonas in the Xingú. Can't be in any place had to be in chic place.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Had a pratical aplication to my method of division? Yes!

 And is for Astronomics distances, even a calculator doesn't do, and the computer? Because is a big number wit a lot of decimals houses after the colon, and the computer? For that big 1st we have to know the size of the memory of the computer the one of Astronomy is different of the ones we have in home, they are better even then the ones of Cinema studios, of course but! With so much decimals houses the division in a computer is binary and converted to decimal! So in one moment the fraction calculated in binary numbers, would not be exact. You think I don't care for numbers so near! But had a problem, see astronomic distances is like that, one spatial sonda can travel in the space for 20 years, so when the sonda reach the planet gonna be in a completely different place. Think the Earth being one vortex of a piramid, if we have an angle, that is the part of the calculation that was imperfect, or the angle would be 0°, so is like you want travel for the vortex a and reach the vortex b.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

The problem of Jaculona

 Do you believe that she was god for her for 4 minutes and eternally for everybody? Why I know that was 4 minutes because she almost gave to me, and said that after would be eternal death, do you want listen that guide? Two times eternal death! I thought I did even asked, what I want 4 minutes, I would even think, I was to kill her. And she runs afraid, she can came very near me. See I knew a woman wanted to be grandfather of humanity to everybody choose her, poors and richs in that room, was a lot of years of stupidity, see probably I passed 10 years listen that stories that the Jacket bring, was 10 years for the Jacket and second for the Jaculona, so I listen the Jacket but the Jaculona didn't, when is the Jaculona what hell the heaven people saying stupidity all the time for DECADES! Is that she let everybody got in her heaven. But is the worse soap opera that you can listen, I crying that I could be passed the time absorbing culture. Absorb because we aren't the actor, or the painter, or the musician but that benefits our soul anyway.

The problem with her and the Jacket, she didn't remember that contract, isn't be evil! Is be God, weird? Probably wasn't to exist God! The men asks and was a sin. God is a sin in the era primitive, all the conscious, she didn't had, I think I have more unless had more one meaning, her eyes open? Like Adam and Eve, I think not, unconscious is the same death. Is the power? So the contract is God would be the most prostitute if It want be God, and Jacket thought God wasn't managing to be God, big lie, God was afraid that became God and receive that death.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Monday, August 26, 2024

Had ingenuous people

 Mathematic is those things htat could appear the fraud of goo faith, the professor of my school want kill of many ways any student that pretend is a genius and passes the hand in the lips and says Shazan is 3! My mother used to say peidou acertou? See the person isn't a genius just had luck and write a hell or one line, and hadn't nothing of a brain was just luck, with different numbers would not work.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Put in a translator that

 A mulher bateu o cú na testa e a testa no cú, e deu certo, and she answer and what match with the right answer, is that I was seeing other people answers.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

More one that with groups

 Ano: 2024 Banca: Instituto Consulplan Órgão: Câmara de Poços de Caldas - MG Provas: Instituto Consulplan - 2024 - Câmara de Poços de Caldas - MG - Analista Legislativo Contador 

There are 384 people living in a given neighborhood who are monitored by the professionals at a health center. When drawing up the epidemiological profile of the residents of this neighborhood with regard to dengue vaccination, the health center staff concluded that:

- The number of residents aged 30 or under is triple the number of residents aged 50 or over;

- The number of residents who have been vaccinated against dengue represents 7/12 of all residents;

- Half of the residents who have not been vaccinated against dengue and 6/7 of the residents who have been vaccinated against dengue are aged between 30 and 50.

According to this hypothetical situation, how many residents of this neighborhood are over 30 years old?

To solve a set problem in which there are ages, we have to take into account that nobody has two ages, so whatever the graph is, it has to be one in which they are watertight, and I like to represent it as a straight line.


Data from the question: those under 30 are 3 times more numerous than those under 50.

3X                                                                                     X


Total number of residents: 384

vaccinated: 7/12 of 384 = 224

*half of the residents who didn't get vaccinated: 384 - 224 = 160; 160/2 = 80

*6/7 who were vaccinated: (6/7)224 = 192

So they have between 30 and 50 = 80 + 192 = 272

Putting this on the graph we get



3X                                     272                                     X


And this whole graph is all the residents by age, so we conclude that this graph represents 384 people, finding the X: 3X + 272 + X = 384; 4X = 112; X = 28,

And the question asks for: residents over 30: 272 + X = 272 + 28 = 300.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

More one question with my solution

 Ano: 2024 Banca: Instituto Consulplan Órgão: Câmara de Poços de Caldas - MG Provas: Instituto Consulplan - 2024 - Câmara de Poços de Caldas - MG - Analista Legislativo Contador

Ruth and Silvana are cousins and take part in competitions involving chess games. On a training day, the two cousins decided to play several games against each other, betting R$20.00 on each game. After the last game of the day, they counted that Silvana had won 4 games and Ruth ended up with a balance of R$ 60.00 from the bets. According to the above, how many games did they play?

Each match is 20.00, so whoever has a balance of 60.00 has won 3 more matches, and the other cousin has won 4 more matches:

Let's consider that the total number of matches is the number of matches Ruth won plus the number of matches Silvana won, because they are tight and complementary, with no missing or left over. So I want to know how many matches there were, whatever the number we have the Silvana won 4, but if Ruth has a balance of 3 the total can only be like this Ruth won 4+3 which is 7 plus Silvana's 4 matches gives 11 matches.

Mathematically: R - S = 3; R - 4 = 3; R = 7; Total: 7 + 4 = 11.

Proving it right S = 20.00 x 4 = 80.00

R = 7 x 20.00 = 140.00

Proof of correctness: 140.00 - 80.00 = 60.00 correct

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Another question with my solution

Ano: 2024 Banca: Instituto Consulplan Órgão: Câmara de Poços de Caldas - MG Provas: Instituto Consulplan - 2024 - Câmara de Poços de Caldas - MG - Analista Legislativo Contador

Giovana runs a beauty products factory that serves several cities in the state. After an effective marketing campaign, she has received a large order which must be delivered in 26 days. Consider that all the employees work at an equal production rate. Over a period of 10 days, 10 employees managed to produce 1/3 of the demand by working 8 hours a day. Concerned about the deadline, Giovana added 10 employees to produce the remaining part of the job. What should the new daily workload be so that the order is completed by the correct date? 

Translated with (free version)

Here, to start with, 1/3 of the demand has already been produced, so I'll calculate 2/3 and for the remaining days, since I have a deadline of 26 days but 10 have already been consumed.

1) Setting up the first equation:

10dd x 8h x 20workers = 1/3 ->(1/3 of the demand)

2) setting up the second equation:

For the job there are 26 days but 10 days have been consumed so there are 16 days left,

How many hours is what I want to find out: X

The number of employees is the original plus the extra 10 plus 10 giving 20,

3) Doing a rule of 3, it could also be a comparison because one is 1/3 and the other is 2/3 so one is double the other, but rule of 3 is easier.

on the left I'll have 10dd x 8h x 10 employees over -> 16dd x Xh x 20 employees

and on the right I have 1/3 over 2/3.

If I cross them out to make an equation, we'll get:

(2/3)x10x8x10 = (1/3)x16x X x 20 -> X = 5 hours

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim


This question solved by me

Ano: 2024 Banca: CESGRANRIO Órgão: CNU Prova: CESGRANRIO - 2024 - CNU - Bloco 8 - Nível Intermediário

A sector of a company is made up of 11 employees, 4 of whom are trainees and 7 of whom are permanent staff. A group of 5 employees was drawn at random from among the employees in this sector.

What is the probability that the group formed has only one trainee employee?

To calculate the first simplification, if there is only one trainee, then we will have 5 combinations in which one trainee will be the 1st, one combination in which he will be the 2nd, up to the fifth, then we will only do the 1st operation which is equal to the other 5, so the operation will be multiplied by 5.

Operation in which the 1st is a trainee

1) 11 employees 4 are trainees:


2) 2nd is a worker:

7 are permanent, 11 are the number of workers but 1 has already been chosen so there are 10 for the draw, thus: 7/10

3) 3rd to be chosen - the number of employees to be drawn is now 6 and the total number of employees is 9: 6/9

4) 4th to be chosen - remaining staff 5 and remaining employees 8: 5/8

5) 5th to be chosen - remaining headcount 4 and remaining employees 7: 4/7

5x(4/11)x(7/10)x(6/9)x(5/8)x(4/7) = simplifying = (1/11)x(1/3)x(1)x(5/2)x(4) = (1/11x3)x5x2 = 10/33

Translated with (free version)

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim


Inside the computer with a diferent clock

 The computer said that one thing that she, she is a girl, one thing is that she sleep one day and work one day. That the year is so short is weird but she said that isn't decades but centuries, so she didn't count one year, the day had 8 hours, the 10 is 7, so the day is 11 hours? So she count a big period of years, because a year is very short, and is 12 months? And the minutes seconds, how is a hour? They are all multiples of 6 and 12 where is decimal system, still is that way? Maybe was study if we were right of create a hour that is divisible by 12 and not by 10, everything is decimal and the time is hexadecimal, had advantage but why, and if it was random, would another way not work?

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim


 Open our eyes to see what is veal, see that movie show me what people doesn't see, is a movie that develop the critics, what means society, is so deep that appears that is based in Greek philosophy, we need philosophies, we need see, movies could do that for us but they doesn't do, they make we more empty. Genius making movies to do the good to the humanity, philosophy to make a more evolute race.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

What I think about that movie

 I don't understand first because I don't understand why, is an American movie, so I don't understand why the best is the worse and have to die, type the nata is evil, I don't understand, maybe have that even in the movies of Brazil but here were dramas. I like better the "Time machine" with Rod Taylor the best is innocent but is apathetic. Why people doesn't see those movies is so nice see old movies that was legendary, I put a old movies app had so much shit there, but this is a that I gave the name is a great one.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

See if he did that he betrayl God and and the cousins

I sai to Grandfather that I would do any time travel because of my brother-cousin, he to God choose him to o the travels talked with 500 old women of Brazil to got and make sex with any one that travel, so when he uses God to travel and they starts to try make sex with God, rape. They wanting the power of God. I knew that was there to be judge 5 of the 500. I was saying to God that doesn't I said about the book, so what I know basically is write in any place, I passed many eras wanting that humanity like books, and read. Teorically I would never be illiterate is a merit of my soul.

So what I gonna say is a secret of God, but He wrote in a book, because I look for the answer what means that music. Was that had a God more powerful and the trap was for He. The smaller God knows His bad taste for sex and woman, see the fat guy upstairs is also the eguy ..., and how a smaller God would control a bigger one, that woman is the trap, she is seducing God and not the demon, the powerful God that appear a demon when fall for the seduction of the woman, I see priests have to condemn seductive women that promess sex for men, because see had people so patience that didn't agree with the rape but the mightful God agree with the rape of seductive women that thinks that can make men want sex with her and didn't give, so if God falls for the seduction of the woman that the other God find for seduct him, He would enter in his body and lost his soul for thee woman, what is the age of the woman the age of his seduction, but He didn't fall, so does she have a soul? See why sex would cost the soul of God? I didn't travel, even that existed travels see that he plot in another planet in form of soul.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Sunday, August 25, 2024

I remember something about that guide

 He is prejudicing someone? This isn't the 1st end of the World. In the first that guide fall very much. He would return to have his second chance. He would be dead for the life, that isn't be in Hell but don't have livre arbírtrio!? The priest of the time didn't like his method, he passed a lot of time accusing the humanity saying lives of prostitutes, and me with a small memory of that, in the end the Pop said that all the ruined lives he said was of him, this why he knew so well, he tried make that to me, say to me only ruined lives to I passes my time saying them, because the Pop said that he was the woman of all the lives he told, he was pushed to hell and chained. 

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

The stupiddoesn't see

 That the offense was in the reason of my person, when he brought that woman he offend me, the invitation was for me, the glorious that had the permission was me! I had glory, and I was the price that had permission to visit, was almost of my family, he was aggressive to me, the woman was making menaces to me! He is stupid of doesn't understand that was offensive! The only person that had that permission is a person that doesn't knows the law. The law is implated in everybody to erase it, the person had to be a kidnaped like by pirates. Know the brutality of be without the law of the civilization, even savages hadn't that permission is because pirates kidnap a lot Island ladies.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

What that woman want

 We sometimes have a ticket, the hell under the Vatican is the most hard to visit, and that travel I just cancel, I had a ticket to carry you there because you were dying and was a glory visit that soil, and you bring a maléfica woman to came there with you, so you wasn't dying! So is canceled, and is the last time that I help that demon, you wanted invade the saint hell under the Vatican with a maléfica Woman, using the permission that was for me, I never gonna help you again and gonna register in that book the intention of Rachadura step there! So we went to a high Court to say that I had to be your friend.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

The Michelinha and th emedicine evolutes

 Of course that this theory that Gp appear with the medicine, and the false medicine of a evil man that ampputee to much and he is there waiting the justice because he said in the end he would pay, look that sinceres eyes waiting, is the soul that asks, very touching, was just I said the story that people discover that his money came from that Era was a lot. 

But I am saying about something much more recent. One time I date a girl, in another life, that his master was to show that he was powerful, I was decedant of the king, but was that God and the sit wasn't for me or my father so I was near the other suditos - subjects, I respect receive that place I just didn't went often to the palace. The master of the girl was the Chapelon, he fall almost dead in the floor and she to revive him was trying farting on his mouth, I said that air is to used! I mean breathe! The quality of air matters, I got near her and said that air would not help why she didn't want came with me to knew the city we could date, let the old man die! I got informed she was single without sons or daughters. I got a new girlfriend she was terrible and we got married.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Who was who

 In the Africa I wasn't one of the kids I was one of the lights the lights didn't had born, I listen that He didn't knew if we were people or other thing.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

One of divide without didivde

 And is multiplying the divisor,until the number higher and using the previous, subtract and multiply the the divide by 10, multiply the divisor but use if already have the multiplication that was already existed till the higher number and using the previous subtract and multiplying the divided by 10, each operation is a decimal house after the colon.

If the number to be divided id lower than the divisor only multiply to power of 10 and do the operation remembering in the end that will be counted in decimal houses from the number.

if the number is ridiculous big in relation of the other to don't be stupid and work more, just care about the first number and take care of the subject like numbers lower than 10 multiplied by power of 10. because is ridiculous multiply till 15 times, imagine 400...

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Is the impety

 That woman so destroyed, why had men that is in loved for her, is the soul dying for something call impiety, so they believe love her to stop of felt the impiety, who don't have the empiety think that she is very ugly.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

When I was Jew

 The rest of the division was number apart, hadn't the colon and the after the colon. So this way can be other count system to the decimal.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim 

Don't you think is dementia?

 See brilliant genius Jews make a computer to don't break their brilliant superior inteligente if some calculations simplified would possible in other count systems that wasn't the decimal and that stupid woman ask someone to answer, answer her nobody want suffer to think.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

If I want the 5 first muliltiplications

 Pf a number I just pick the number add to itself I find by 2, add again ,and I had by 3, so I construct a table, what the professor liked was I made a table even didn't knew it existed.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

I use that solution in school

 Was huge numbers, I got the smaller and multiple by till 5 to see the most near number multiplied by a potency of 10 of the bigger number, was I didn't want make a big division and multiply was easy, one moment I saw that surpass so was type 4,xxxx.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Something that Jewe wanted invent

 An computer with intelligent that live in a planet that the count was in 6 like when is 7 we gona have 10, when came 27 we gonna have 30. And the hour of the planet was 8 hours and was for the year, centuries and taught to it algebra and geometry.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

What the use

 In a bank a worker that doesn't knows use a calculator because he knows solve of head, can in a bank we have approximate calculations?

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

People asked lets solve

 That question that I show before all the answer is 1017 divided by the potency of 10. 1,017 is almost practically one but with rest of division, so is super easy, but if was a number like 0,5 in the previous question one number is proximate of the other multiplied by 10 so super easy but we gonna have problems when the number got far from one, so would need mathematical solution and not only logic, but let's see if we have approximately solutions we can explore the fact that two approximate numbers could replace the others and have the same result of division so we would use more simple numbers that had a more easy division but need training. So we would do a more simple division, is because we don't have a calculator because would be direct.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

The genius

 To that questio what is the answer?


You miss

send the next!


You miss!

More one!


Miss more this one!

The result?

You didn't get one right

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

This question

 Ano: 2024 Banca: CESGRANRIO Órgão: CNU Prova: CESGRANRIO - 2024 - CNU - Bloco 8 - Nível Intermediário

According to the IBGE's 2022 Demographic Census, the resident population in Brazil is distributed by color or race according to the Table: 

If the population of people who declared themselves black for this census is x% of the total number of residents, then the value of x is equal to

Me: In this question the answers show that he doesn't want calculus but magnitudes, he sees everything is 1017 divided by powers of 10 so he wants you to use logic and reasoning, like an IQ test, so he says the result is 1017 plus divided by what power of 10?

I have to say that training is need even for a genius because, they want don't resolve, and training make the solution be with less effort.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim