Sunday, August 25, 2024

And the other charade

 The form of God isn't a cup, but the blue the tea pot, but had legs, see all have to have head, but not arms and legs so the person have to put legs and arms. See when Jesus got suicide because a wiseman of an Oriental country, God had 3 sons, people I born normal but not my brothers, they were males but so indecent, one arm is the tea-pot beak, I was thinking in even have descedans because the DNA in the origin wasn't normal I only had luck. So in the Church of the miracle, be careful, the tea cup, had a lot of mad people dignos of a mad-house with machetes around the church waiting for the miracle, when the person show a cup everybody of the room was hypnotized and the insane men got inside the church and let only the arm that was the wing of the cup cutting legs and the other arm.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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