Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Had a pratical aplication to my method of division? Yes!

 And is for Astronomics distances, even a calculator doesn't do, and the computer? Because is a big number wit a lot of decimals houses after the colon, and the computer? For that big 1st we have to know the size of the memory of the computer the one of Astronomy is different of the ones we have in home, they are better even then the ones of Cinema studios, of course but! With so much decimals houses the division in a computer is binary and converted to decimal! So in one moment the fraction calculated in binary numbers, would not be exact. You think I don't care for numbers so near! But had a problem, see astronomic distances is like that, one spatial sonda can travel in the space for 20 years, so when the sonda reach the planet gonna be in a completely different place. Think the Earth being one vortex of a piramid, if we have an angle, that is the part of the calculation that was imperfect, or the angle would be 0°, so is like you want travel for the vortex a and reach the vortex b.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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