Wednesday, August 28, 2024

I was listen about 3 deaths

 Have to have a title the other was horrible, I listen that God doesn't believe even in Him because He place on His body a woman that kill Him 3 times, God can't read thoughts He didn't know what I thought. I just thought carry my Father down there that God wasn't certainly better that the others 3, He didn't die because He just come after the other 3, so I push my father to say that... My cousin didn't only thought but said I listen! That she supposes to kill until rest one because the last was good, I was thinking about the new God that was a very unhappy person that would die to came the next if He doesn't are sure of who He was, so He wanted have the old enemies! In the day He appear He wasn't very amazing and if his memory is only 2000 years? You know His first plan... I thought was something so old, just be in that day thinking in how lie! That ones till that day was my Grandfather and that was a thing that was thinking in how He could lie! A Grandfather false was replace for a false grandfather. He was all and rest the worse part? The problem of the woman was she was pretty prostitute an didn't wanted a God that was gay, He even wanted to be Her, I never understand my Grandfather had envy of beautiful women. He said once that He wasn't stupid, but He even being very intelligent He commit mistakes, probably she was one mistake, He wasn't nothing of good, I was thinking that woman could had the right of choose, but so much impertinency, I think that she was so stupid of accept almost everything but God, she was ruined woman, being pretentious, so what gonna happens, so stupid if God was patient imagine that was all under Him was to be, the woman is the stupidity of the world, men do the wars the best of them to see the women ruining in despair because the good are killing each other to see the worse survive to show them what is violence. So sometimes the good let the worse rule, specially to give the violence the woman deserve. They need be break, and was even more humiliating woman destroying woman, maybe had the power to break them, they never were good.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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