Monday, August 26, 2024

See if he did that he betrayl God and and the cousins

I sai to Grandfather that I would do any time travel because of my brother-cousin, he to God choose him to o the travels talked with 500 old women of Brazil to got and make sex with any one that travel, so when he uses God to travel and they starts to try make sex with God, rape. They wanting the power of God. I knew that was there to be judge 5 of the 500. I was saying to God that doesn't I said about the book, so what I know basically is write in any place, I passed many eras wanting that humanity like books, and read. Teorically I would never be illiterate is a merit of my soul.

So what I gonna say is a secret of God, but He wrote in a book, because I look for the answer what means that music. Was that had a God more powerful and the trap was for He. The smaller God knows His bad taste for sex and woman, see the fat guy upstairs is also the eguy ..., and how a smaller God would control a bigger one, that woman is the trap, she is seducing God and not the demon, the powerful God that appear a demon when fall for the seduction of the woman, I see priests have to condemn seductive women that promess sex for men, because see had people so patience that didn't agree with the rape but the mightful God agree with the rape of seductive women that thinks that can make men want sex with her and didn't give, so if God falls for the seduction of the woman that the other God find for seduct him, He would enter in his body and lost his soul for thee woman, what is the age of the woman the age of his seduction, but He didn't fall, so does she have a soul? See why sex would cost the soul of God? I didn't travel, even that existed travels see that he plot in another planet in form of soul.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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