Saturday, August 31, 2024

The formation of the society

 The society had a lot of philosophical concept, when when we study law we have a little of philosophy, even have philosophy of the law, ha even pholosopher of German of the 17-18 centuries so is a philosophy that isn't that way dead.

Had the pacto social - social pact, philosophically means that all the society even the primitive ones are made fby men in place of be God, thinking deep about the subject Europeans don't see demon very often. Imagine that even in the Brazil in place of pact be an acestor that are the own demon? That is a European thesys that European way is considered for all the humans. When the white people make their pact they considered that the law is so bad as is bad the man, men and women, because the own benefector and the prejudiced is who write the law, but after gonna appear the best, the empire of the best, so than the law would be write of the best, because they would chose their liders - kings.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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