Friday, August 23, 2024

Mister you don't even try

 Me good of the way I am had a friend that they parents sent him to psychologist because people wanted kill him, is that we know people since we born I never choose the troubles to be friend, but I never drop a friendship, so they parents how they didn't know talk with him to know why he got in troubles to show that htey want fix the son sent him to a psicologa to know what had in his mind, if you and your wife don't know talk with the own son supposes to take him to that type of help and use of phrase if effect, isn't me who says is everybody, you got in trouble is better went to a psychologist or gonna be castigo. The punsihment was something that I considered very serious, I quiver of only think. Of course had those people that like so much be bad boy that receive punishment from the parents and again in the same.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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