Tuesday, August 27, 2024

This have 6 days+-

I don't have to do that because I didn't die but that person of the mailing, so she can't keep for the next life because haven't so is eat with shit, but or she uses or she never gonna have a second chance, that God said that He never would fool nobody so much, wasn't because He wanted what is from her, is because she had enough power to attack him an he return minutes till a full day, she thinks that kill Go is win, or I don't what passes on her brain.

So had 6+- days that a person was with about sobrevida - sobre-life is he from USA? Hadn't a perfect translate for that word survival? And he is right, no! He didn't give a sobrevida but a sub vida, a sub life. Sobrevida is extend a life, like a person that had cancer, he was talking about my grandmother, she before need a transplant she had cancer, everybody after an operation of remove cancer have a sobrevida, because people die of cancer, she isn't no more in the rate of life normal of a population, she would lived in the rate of population tipe, everybody lives 80 years old, but who had cancer the life expectancy isn't 80 years old, is lower, and sub vida - sub life is the life under the poverty, populations of Africa that haven't 3 meals day, a person that lived in a dumpyard in Brazil and live with rats, a person that hadn't a decent work but is camelô in any city of Brazil, a person living below the poverty line, how people got that acknowledge went to a good regular school of 13 years of formation, this is human Geography.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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