Monday, August 26, 2024

More one that with groups

 Ano: 2024 Banca: Instituto Consulplan Órgão: Câmara de Poços de Caldas - MG Provas: Instituto Consulplan - 2024 - Câmara de Poços de Caldas - MG - Analista Legislativo Contador 

There are 384 people living in a given neighborhood who are monitored by the professionals at a health center. When drawing up the epidemiological profile of the residents of this neighborhood with regard to dengue vaccination, the health center staff concluded that:

- The number of residents aged 30 or under is triple the number of residents aged 50 or over;

- The number of residents who have been vaccinated against dengue represents 7/12 of all residents;

- Half of the residents who have not been vaccinated against dengue and 6/7 of the residents who have been vaccinated against dengue are aged between 30 and 50.

According to this hypothetical situation, how many residents of this neighborhood are over 30 years old?

To solve a set problem in which there are ages, we have to take into account that nobody has two ages, so whatever the graph is, it has to be one in which they are watertight, and I like to represent it as a straight line.


Data from the question: those under 30 are 3 times more numerous than those under 50.

3X                                                                                     X


Total number of residents: 384

vaccinated: 7/12 of 384 = 224

*half of the residents who didn't get vaccinated: 384 - 224 = 160; 160/2 = 80

*6/7 who were vaccinated: (6/7)224 = 192

So they have between 30 and 50 = 80 + 192 = 272

Putting this on the graph we get



3X                                     272                                     X


And this whole graph is all the residents by age, so we conclude that this graph represents 384 people, finding the X: 3X + 272 + X = 384; 4X = 112; X = 28,

And the question asks for: residents over 30: 272 + X = 272 + 28 = 300.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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