Friday, August 23, 2024

Operation to make ugly people look pretty

 So people said that the velhinha did that operation, the best of the category, is the operation to replace the basin, had two another alternatives, plastic and platinum, the plastic is light but breaks and who receive can be very fat, the platinum, is heavy and more suitable for who is fat, the problem is that people want a smaller than the needed for the body, and when havingproblem could if not treat in time lose basin and legs because started to rotten, if I was the doctor without a basin to replace I would remove and let the person in a room with the legs just without thee basin waiting for the other came of factory, but doctors having that idea the person lose the legs. So the problem of the platinum is that is to be very accepted for the body but even the plastic could started to cook the flesh inside, is a danger! Is a strange body inside the body! The worse is the patient, the doctor can't know if it doesn't say. So the velhinha probably she had, make a basin of her ribs, the stupid saying that w the doctor wash her ribs with sanitary water, kill that woman! So she uses a basin made with her ribs, people said is a perfect ring, she is bitch after some evilness a friend walking in the streets and kick her basin, she dismantled and had to be replaced in place, people said that is basically normal but when she laid in bed people see the ring, because they that is sit be place in bed like a ring, very ridiculous, people hate her she asked to people film her with the new basin making sex, she copy for complete the face of a afilhado, people came with the smartphones, and was she with the velhona how people hate see! She enter the hospital an said to the doctor that she suffer an accident because she lost the virginity and she was very fragile, people said that was a basket ball in the ring.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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