Friday, August 30, 2024

The more beautiful love is

 The oen that generate descendants. See the problem of my mother and father when I was a baggar, is that they even love each other in other lives, but my mother was a lot of times my father, was in past in love by the Andre, the same soul that I call Andre. So for when my father was girl my father was the Andre. Is that the son was with the Andre, the Andre is who was my father, so what importance had? So I was the boyfriend of homosexual uncle, he like men... Who read that blog a lot of time remember that I said that my mother was saint that die with a small baby in the arms, and one time my father wanted be the baby and he didn't die, my fahter was the Andre. He is selfish, homosexual, but was my father that isn't genetic, and I was like him, if I let people would offend me so much, because my father was confused with a angel but homosexual, and I was male son, my family doesn't like people comparing me with him because he was hatted and homosexual.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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