Thursday, September 12, 2024

3 ies of the guide

 One is that the daughter of the guilty woman was a hermafrodite that was emasculated in the maternity for whom didn't like the mother, I remember from another incarnation that I was descedant of an Indian man that was hermafrodite, do you think that a man hermafroite is a perfect woman? An man hermafrodite doesn't have vagina. Had the rest small but doesn't have vagina, could even be mother but don't have vagina. The vagina is a musculature that got elastic to deliver but return, if a hermafrodite deliver would need fix. 

The other is the two women pregnant of the end of the world, one is black and the other is white, the black he said she was deformed, she said that was the natural form of her that was a serpent. The preganacy of years when the black women deliver was shit, she wasn't expecting a baby, and people wanting know the pearls tha tguide said, is that important or at least make sense?

God don't know today, but He that charlatan, before born I listened he said that in the end of the world that he would be the woman that he to be powerful he would born pregnant, today probably he is regret. And appear that happens one death probably he didn't calculate. The other was a old woman said that who wanted to be sought by the regret God and had something about that unhappy birth had to born with a huge pussy, to he believe that the person also born pregnant. That woman is old but isn't the velha tola lá de cima.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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