Wednesday, September 11, 2024

And a discussion with a cousin

 My father said that the sign was don't live your father to went to Europe, in the sign came write Europe? And in the next day I was pissy of hate, and my cousin said that knew that I received the signal, I was dreaming with things more possible like they would open a University in England and I would went there to study find some England girls, hadn't a University in England but wasn't me waiting for a miracle? I said to my cousin that the sign could be a jet plane full of European pussy, he look to the skies, surprised happy? I said to him don't be fool if in the jetplane had European pussy is because the lady came with! I said about travel in the air, yes already had the Minotaur, and the boy that fly from the Island with the father, is that he got wonder to could fly and got near the sun, the Icaro is an angel in Jericoacoara? I write a poem about the excursion of pussies from England, my poem run the world in less of 3 months appear ladies of England, fat short but at least young! To got meet the boy that was writing that! I was working in the land at the time, see had a rule, the owner can't let the worker labour alone in the land I don't need bust myself but I have also to work a bit in the land, I was a teenager so my father was working not so all days. I was thinking if they know that I was working because my race in my country the owner need to work the land no matters how many workers he have, isn't very much at the time was till the dinner time.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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