Wednesday, September 11, 2024

And there is go with the pastel

 About France in another incarnation when I saw that that the things could went wery wrong to my father I write to the Pope to ask his help about the lives of the Royalty, but what is the pastel! That brother of my father wen things got bad in J. he flew away and he said that he was 1,64m but he was delicious, I didn't knew what was delicious in J. , still have Jericoacoara. I said to my father that the pastel was 1,60 delicious and dangerous, my father asked what was pastel, was a food that my mother told me, I knew I just never had bake one, his mother rich liked so much pastel that the cooker of his home town house was form Arabia. So I make pastel to he eat, was delicious I thought who knows make pastel work for kings and princes. So I asked help to the Pope because my father was good but his life was being be full of enemies envy people, I got knew that ex-freind that was beggar passed years corrupting the life of my father in countries like England, Italy, I write to the Pope that the Catholic church had to document births and marriages of princes and kings, that my country was the first to accept as official document as prove in all the other lands, the evil against my father was so bad that he with the brother of the witch was saying that he was 1o years older than he was in England. I said to thee Pope that the birth of the king of England was something that make things doubtful because the king changes and the dates got doubtful that need a lot of investigation. The birth of my father was house documents but had. The kingdom was England the other kingoms was type smaller? I said to the Pope I went to a witch to be sure that he would agree with me, because I also confess to him that I had murder some people that if that would be implicate with my name when became to public my murders that what was so important could be end. The church also document the decease of the royal family.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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