Thursday, September 12, 2024

How ugly is that old bearded woman?

 After the coronaravirus appear a lot of people in the internet came in my mailing and now I felt that want answer, I have problems but not of that barbudona, really I thought was a man, she is a woman and dare of represent her self as a man, just because at distance who would at least know if a woman or a man, so come in my mailing an question that came of that lesbian, the answer isn't true, my family don't make those things to me, is only with her, my guide said is the punishment for be so lesbian, she is so lesbian than his grandmother make sex with her, she is insane of thing that happens with normal good people like me.

People don't listen that thin woman, she is only thin because the uses special effect to it, she want people to eat because in the future when you got hopeless fat would came the rape, gonna came an old woman relative to molest the fat younger relative till the person stops eat or eat from the trash can, because isn't digny who is fat, so she want everybody fat to prostitute them.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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