Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The half-empty glass of wine

 For the solution of that we just stop before further calculation because at resolve half of it we resolve even the end:

The table shows the quantities of boxes of the same candy that should be delivered by the manufacturer to three supermarkets.

Supermarket                        Number of boxes

Boa Vista                             1000

São João                              3200

Bom Preço                          5600

For shipping purposes, these boxes should be grouped into packages. All the packages must have the same number of boxes, as many as possible, so that each package contains boxes from just one supermarket and no boxes are left out of the packages. Under these conditions, the number of packages destined for São João Supermarket is equal to

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so the mmc

1000,    3200,    5600        ]100

    10,       16,        56        ]2

                                        ]/200 so you can stop by here and don't be looney of got 200 and divide by                                                 3200, you see the 16 the middle number is of the market that the question                                                 asked so what means that 16? That I gonna make big packs of 200 items, and                                             16 is the quantity of packs for the São João, so you apply direct the 16 and for that question you see the half-empty wine goblet. My parents used to say that the half empty glass is more easy to see for left-hand.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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