Tuesday, September 10, 2024

And had that criminal

 Problems are that way ignore them, could a solution? Even when they just grow, have murders around the world, and is just a fact, sometimes people die for another but don't do legal things for the person, appear that a lot of the stories that guide said had prostituttion involved, so more one... He told a lot of things and haven't a beggining and for sure not a end, confusing stories, maybe the moral of the story is don't trust because if the one of the worse persons of the stories work in the ONU! She was a white slave,and she use her position to murder people, she is evil and bad even with country governors... She was involved in the most important kidnaps, if the person is rich or important and is prostitution she was involved, a old woman that old men like to make favours for her, she was a woman that climb in life pleasing men but isn't only her, had a man so old as she and he was so gay that he had a robotic insert in the body that guide said, if someoen invented was he... He put in his ass when became big a machine is type an elevator, that when he make anal sex the elevator got own in the dick of the man that is fucking his ass, is type a second life for a old gay, so the elevator fica amassando o pau do amigo, he is type a pirate he live in high seas in ghost ships, was that what I unerstand is type a ship that was stolen of a ship cemetery.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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