Tuesday, September 10, 2024

How I understand that music

 Now I understand the woman of yesterday, see at the time the demon doesn't say of directly, but today we use so much figurative language like "fugue", that today is direct, but for her no! why? Because she had all that years of hell, she just return this life, so for everybody is direct but not for her.

She sking the music indirect she is another, direct like she had a lot of women, that sold the soul to be rich or famous, but she doesn't understand becuase she is of a time that was say what was pretend.

I listen the music and I understand that she like a detour, was because I wasn't reading, I understand that the lady of the music like a detour that is came out of the decent life and make what is wrong to got fame, that people have to work be a real artist and she was only a woman that was doing something like prostitution to important men make she be any artist, actres? Singer? She be another I though that means that the demon do mind for who do that and would came to danar her soul like he had made before with many others women, that he some moments are advising her what disgusting would be her life before the money, he only don't warn directly, he give some evasivas, he eat her by the border, had a lot of women there? I thought had? She had to be the worse in a ll the senses? How many souls she is because had one that is paying more! The one that is upthere pay more, one follow the other, who is paying is the follower, becuase the one that is followed wasn't borning, what the other want? The promess that she have the right of attempt the young men with sex being a old woman, becuase she is making a favour.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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