Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Not everybody is like us

 The only thing that I want to write is about salvation, I spect people to notice, the guide talking to me about sinners I really don't like those people, but I hope people look for salvation, so I want to know about guilty people, sinner is just someone that would die before everybody if wasn't for God that could change that absurd, so I hold the stories, see people that hate me probably are people that don't believe in salvation and like very much preach, I have my problems and they don't harm anybody, why people are mean, had that if that guy gonna die he before that are doing all the evil he can, he would pay but until that, why humanity die because a person find the most lost soul and say with love what she is, could die only that, that used the truth to destroy, he have the right of even die for it but not make evil to anybody, so what he do for that life he don't pay? I am a person with faith is that mailing came so bad things on that.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim 

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