Wednesday, September 25, 2024

That serve for anagrams, numbers and symbols, images

  Combination I gonna make the demonstration that serve for any number using for the example 3 and 4:

Is that when you do a anagram you can have all the letters diferent an you gonna have a table of nxn that is the number of the letters of the name, multiplied by itself, very easy is the table 3x3 and 4x4.
But if you have a name, or a sequency of numbers or symbols, that you want combine but with that had repeated numbers, letters or symbols, so you gonna do that,
you gonna place cells like that->
for each number is diferent  3x3    
So no matters how many letters have the same extension of the original, you count the number of diferent letters, numbers, symbols and subtract 1, is the number of cells
Now you count the extension of the name and you gonna fill the cells with the number and pass for the next cell subtracting one in the next number till you fill all the cells then you gonna got that numbers and multiply and you gonna have the result fro anagrams using letters, numbers or symbols for the anagram.
See the columns of the tables that I show are the numbers of the extension of the name, and the cells are the combinations that we can make according the number of diferent letters.
The colums had in the 1st place same the same number (letter)
and I gave diferent colours for couples of cells in the same column to you see that represent 3 possibilities and each shade is 2times 2 2times 3 2times 4, and the 2, 3 and 4 gonna be 2times because they would multiplied with the two possibles possibilities that are represented by the cross, so the cross are twice, is some cases 3 swapping place with the 4, so that table isn't only bidirectional but multidirectional, are represented there for the 4 becuase is the bigger the columns the 4 first possiblity multiplied by the change of shades inside each colum by the 3, and 3 that is the final X.
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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