Saturday, September 21, 2024

Average values, average of how much you earn in that company

Simple arithmetic mean, weighted mean, median mean.

One if you say arithmetic no have to where go because arithmetic I just afirmed that you make arithmetic that is sum, and if I say media don't where to go that I am saying that is the place in the middle, how I can got that without divided by the number of elemets sum? and Median in my mind could even be called media if I don't say is arithmetic but people like to put the diferent name and ponerada - average or wheighted. But why have the simple what the meaning of something be courred 15 times and I just sum once? An exemple.

In a firm had 5 cathegories of workers, with 5 levels of salary, really don't have a reason to make the weighted media of the salaries, type the majority is the lower level of salary, see also I could even being in the 1st day of the firm and have no workers and cause that I even don't have even a number of workers to make a media but I could have a simple media of the salaries, why people would like know? Type for that you want to work there you aren't interest in know the weighted media of salaries, but you want to know how much earn an ideal worker, see isn't real, but I want to know the idealzation, an ideal work earns how much? The weighted media is good also for that you have the weighted media and one day, nothing drastic happens you can use that to see how much the company payed that years if you know how much workers work there, and is even good, because you use that information that you discover 20 years before and compare with what the company pay today, got low, mystery what happens, got higher what happens, you can use directly compring the two weighted médiad but you can use one weighted media to multiply in the diferent context, to see if had changed, so changed in those years the company in incomes grow or decrease?

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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