Friday, September 20, 2024

I had forgot that fact

 I was a princess but I sufer even racism to be mulata, very white but my parents were mulatos very light but were, is I had afraid of kidnap so I hide that, I was living in another country, without my parents, the problem of the friend of my groom was that he was prince but he hate princess all they were nasty girls in his mind, he married a really pé-duro, how I despised him I play that I was only super rich, I said to people that I had lose the quality I didin't received that, my husband was of so good family that even that was easy to acquive for the our two boys. I call them my two princes. And cafona appeared that count of Italy of marriage of princess, was a ridiculous day, but very funny for me and my husband.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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