Sunday, September 8, 2024

At that time what was a movie

 A way to register the moment, was type a truth, so people film a lot their intimate moments, but at the time other couples filmed so much they making sex, was very vulgar, this in the incarnation that I lived in Russia, I filmed so nice trecos, I bought a lot of experiments, I write to the school of England and asked from where the experiments of phisics and I bought for me, sent to my adress, by mailling and filmed even that, for the time I make other experiments the time lapse, because the movie was the real record time, I used some artificiality in my movies was experimentals, so was good movies, I was even alçada to scientist because of my movies, I was considered sceitist and not a filmmaker, I didn't convice was the Pope to film somethings of the Catholicism, like the city of Jesus, like some routines of the Vatican, he was very not like films, and some sacred places of the old Catholicism that only a priest could enter, is that he doesn't like movies. Ididn't film judgment because could a common crime be considered the crime of the century because had the journalism filmed about, was type a way of make documetation.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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