Thursday, September 12, 2024

Catholicism doesn't invent sins to be boring

 See stupid fat they said that if they doesn't like me imagine you, is that you don't understand aggression they just don't do to kill.

So in the Catholicism have the gula - gluttony but in Oriental cultures doesn't have, I remember for sure in India, but the Catholicism doesn't invent to be annoying - I am thinking about gluttony in my mind even was gluttony have a mother that cook exceptionally well and you or anybody eat and be over the weight, but I was listen that have people that eat till be fat no matters how disgusting is the food, I think this isn't for all the Orietals or would not have the fat, had religion that punishes the laziness, be fat is like one of the things that happens for who is lazy. A person said that had ladies that was fat and return to a ruin boy that other was using, if is that way was to the religion discover that be fat the punishment was a woman that is a prostitute that went to live in the body till be disgusting and very raped, meaning that she uses for sex till became very felty, when I saw people eating trash with delice I used to think that was the punishment of another life that the person was glutonny.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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