Sunday, September 8, 2024

He want die because

 His life is good but the religion, one that I myself had and preferred be Catholics is that way if you are rich you received the reward in Earth, so you die, but the one that is poor what justice he received? Weird, also if a rich guy lose a leg, he didn't had his justice and he receive more one incarnation, is a furada this religion, we can accept the Catholicism I hate so much that guy lie for Catholics that doesn't explain that he received die becasue he is rich, he want to all his friends Catholics die, becuase for him he received justice and he could die, but that nasty place of that North-American girl he doesn't want and he would receive 3 lives! She is receiving the trash because a woman that born prostitute, she is being famous but people make a lot of violence against her.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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