Monday, September 16, 2024

So you say th eright name

 A greedy, lying, stingy man who needed an instant glory so he wouldn't die and took on a job that was dangerous for his soul, either that or something worse.

Is that why the guide doesn't say direct for yo uor anybody what they asks? What is irrogar pragas aos céus? What is abominações that the CAtholic Church talked?

You know how inspired people works? They forgot part of the message, so they uses a recorder of K-7, and they ditated to write after, I am of the same way don't have a huge memory to remember a inspiration, so if people talk infinitely with me I forgot!

So the question what is salão de ossos - bones room. Is a woman that he born pregnant, remove the uterus, because that was used so much for sex that she call that vagina, the doctor remove so well that in an examination people see her bones, but she find the perfect woman, the señorita, and is the man of the eseñorita, she uses her fat ass on the señorita, so the señorita after 10 years of prostituttion was a vorgenfor the bones room, thebones room had all that years of sex with the señorita, the bones room sayis for the señorita that the balls was emasculated.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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