Saturday, September 14, 2024

Sometimes the truth is unbelievable

 God in tha tmomets like to say a lie, because He never liked to explain a hard to believe truth, and there came something like a dogma? So He say to lie, for me dogma is like a pillar isn't to destroy,one God was wake up and a dogma was raise, so let it be there, isn't be who doubt, I think that doubt of God is eternal prostitution and in the end death so for me a obelisc isn't worse than doubt of God. What the name of the lies of God? In my mind nobody doubt of God and live for it, in my min in this minute God is the Universe and kills, just that! So if He is the Universe imagine everybody in Earth, I am wrong? So why that guide with the name Andre in the minute that God was everybody got the prostitute daughter and make her make sex with his friends to talk with God to aske if the mouth of God was in the pussy of the girl that was be raped for a group of men? Sometimes I think that he didn't respect God an says those violences righ in His face, see he was already punished, when the person is raped and had the memory erased loses all the love for God, He tried kill me and I even that way don't hate him, the violence of God is rape.

So up there was 6000 of people that today hadn't memory, had the most prostitute woman, but what was the other part of God plan, He can't make her even a bit less prostitute, He would climb an say the most prostitute soul of humanity is and say another name,  what happens the person pass hours being prostitute by women, so if is a 3 minutes, can a person in the this 3 minutes surpas the owner of the place? Because would be all the time of rape, the most prostitute place didn't was with everybody but with a lot of women, she today is sister of who was the 1st place of Americas that was a woman that was woman of other womne but she didn't did all the Americas, in Europe she was Ok because people there didn't knew that in few lives in Americas she was the 1st place, the problem of the rest of the planet is becuase in the rest of the world everybody had born man, just some is few births. The part umbeliavable was that Go said that in the end He would be parindo to nobody blame Him, so if a person look for God would find Him delivering, people are righ He is powerful He didn't be all days parindo with His power make people find Him only in that day, good idea is that the genius that help him was mediocre, He would better deciding in place of give that for that pretensious person, I don't call tha thting this or that because I notice that God call man who He like being that lie or not.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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