Saturday, September 14, 2024

Sponsor for that article he asked me to say about probablities

 Of course this hadn't valididty for the article before because I saw the solution and was considered groups, the solution was that that I show so to probalities.

So the Universe group only could be one if not one had other possibilities, or was considered that the coin would not be thrown, so in that I can see that had others possibilities or the the P(AUB) = 1.

If we can have the two, I could think that is a event that is thrown twice, or type one thing that need two all the time, like the birth of a kid of certain parents, the DNA would always 2, and if is AA, Aa, aA, aa, but also I can think in bigger group the births of rabbits and no matters in each couple, had a rabbit very fancy that is one with name like a more expensive rodent the chinchilla, and for this I would consider all the DNA that had in the population, another interesting example, and we were thinking in possibilities in the field of stars? I know that we only have a closed field of probalbitites but an experiment can run very wrong! And happens an event that wasn't programed, but of course isn't used to make a conviction but if we are talking of a laboratory in Italy of more than 600 years, there probably have all the time that the eperiemnt went wrong so they have the statistic for event null, also if we have only 2 events the intersection is the sum an never this could pass 1, is different than multiply, multiply is one event after the other, the sum is type what the chances of 1 o2 happens and I only could have those results. And think that way how many years is need for the event null happens type 200 years?

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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