Monday, September 16, 2024

The advantage of 2 calculations is

That you know what you are oing the other is someone taught to you that you can do that with one calculation, but see you on't know what you are doing you just know that way works, so is you don't know you just are converted to be a operator without critics, you even need thought if someone taught you how to do but htis person gonna have to taught to you hundreds of things, and if one came out of the box you don't know think, you wasn't taught to think that was one of critcs of a professot about how the materias are taught in school isn't taught the critcs thinking, contestar, one day you could be making shit, or that you can be using 300 formulas becuase you know all formulas but if you don't think maybe you don't have the critics eyes to realise what formule use. And the question that everybody saw but came with a jeitão and fool everybody.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim 

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