Monday, September 16, 2024

 One meter of alloy wire weighs 380 g and is used to make 0.09 m long nails. With a roll weighing 27.36 kg, the maximum number of nails that can be made is


A) 540.

B) 605.

C) 640.

D) 720.

E) 800.

I gonna solve because this is very easy just write a bit more, but see how the rationele is automatic:

1meter of iron_____________380g

             1 nail _____________ 0,09meter

              1 roll_____________27,36Kg

At glance we have to do that and this is simplification ,because we have to know how many nails are made with 1 roll, and after rationalization is so easy is 2 calculations, convert the weight of the roll in meters, is more easy that hit the head in the table and convert the nail in grams, and after that we have the quantitie of meters of a roll we apply to know how much nails are made with all the meters of the roll:


X___________________27,36x1000g (to make easier of memorization Kilo means x1000)

X = 27360/380 -> X = 72meters

the last calculation:


0,09________________1 -> X = 72/0,09   -> X = 800.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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