Friday, September 13, 2024

I say the stupi story but I would not give my opnion

 What people listen that don't want tell that story, so stupid that the humanity supposes forgot, but how th ewoman could be fat if she was poor? Is about a woman that had 2 theories about be thin, htat guide is so tupid, so one of the theories was that is she eat trash she can't be fat, trash is costloos so is tha the reason she was fat? So she eat trash an even then ws fat and one day a old woman with pitty of the poor woman that eat trash and was fat put the woman inside her home to she eat food, but she stupid and evil as she was and fat got all the food of the old woman put in the table and eat a small part and put all the rest in the trash becuase he part that was thru in the trash was much bigger than the part she eat, so she would got thin, isn't a stupidity do that with a old woman that helps her, and she today listen that about waste and make her mother eat the peel of the vegetables and fruits but, when her mother isn't seeing she thru good food in the trash becuase in her theory that would make her thin. Can someone had a opnion even if that was true what would be the size of the sin?

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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