Sunday, August 18, 2024

Grandson isn't guide of the GrandFather

 See I remember that woman that you are talking about God went to see her, she thinks isn't a prostitute, God call her prostitute, she lived in a cave with her mother using her an that was all the Uinverse for her the top of the cave, what God said about her is like a demon, a condemn soul eternally torment for infinite pains in the body, injuries and fetidas wounds, probably the vagina and the ass. So for that woman everyboy was she and the mother. God want me to went with him, I didn't what horrible woman that is being abandon for the humanity becuase she was the evil and hate could make of good for someone? So He went see her but I didn't went with Him if isn't me He walk alone? Ok I am a good grandson but to know the evil women of the Universe, please! I can't destroy me to be stupid, isn't be good is be stupid, I know my innocence, and know the deep of the uglyness, evilness, rape, prsotitution, deshonesty, indecence, imorality. So what that woman said to God I don't know, if she convince him of something I don't know. So today don't have a cave to she be hide, she like to see the prostitutes show beautiful bodies, she want robber bodies more than faces. His mother make all the perversion she need. Maybe she is a profetisa? Had profetisas that make sex with animals. So today doesn't have caves is a backyard? The dmeon is imensilly poor... Live of the trash of humanity.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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