Monday, August 19, 2024

Meaning of the words

I hate more that woman then the demon, she is only a prostitute don't you see that she want to be the demon, why had forgiviness for her if she do the same than the demon?

So I listen that the demon corrupts all the words, I was a priest, I am a priest today? No I am not. So don't bother me, I had propriety people follow me? No! Do I had Church? No!

So what is eu confio em ti, eu confiou te, eu confio, the 1st means what I trust in you, but 2nd isn't the same, means that I put in your hands to take care of what mine, htat you be diligent because and take care, I said trust so is to be kept with diligency, like something medieval, like someone wanting someone to hold the daughter of a king, or enter a letter of one kingdom to another and that letter in the worng hands could be the ruin of a kingdom, or a jewelry so important than a crown. Could even be a king giving the hand of the daughter but remembering that the marriage would not dissolve the parentage with the father, and the 3rd, for Catholics are said I trust in that One that nothing is impossible, but people aren't saying all the setence and just say I trust.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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