Friday, August 23, 2024

Why is easy talk about her because She is powerful and

 Who have to be justice is She, but was another person so now I say. So people thought was the mother of Jesus, but was the mother of a priest that was his friend.

I had a lot of years explain that Jesus was the prodigal son, one of his friend was the priest! The problem of Jesus with Go is that he is of the other side the dead son, God hide him even of the brothers.

The preist is the true father of Jacó! Had text that said that Jacó isn't son of Isaac, that Rebbeca is prostitute, that got the story of Isaac and smashed with at least 3. So isn'y exactly what is said. 

That woman is in the top today not to ask justice but to God be injust and cover her robbery.

So the mother of the priest asked for Jesus that she want to be called by the name garota even for small kids that learned how to talk. But before said the worse sin let's talk.

The problem of the prodigal son also was because isn't in the Bible but when he returned the father didn't lived a month, poor of his borther. All the sons of God up there includeed my fahter wasn't son of God but just neighboors, because Jesus asked. I thought was injustice for me and my fathe because everybody had the temptation about the father, but let me say how was, everybody was tempt to want be son of André that was a very handsome soul, but for me son of a even more handsome soul my temptation was listen that André wanted kill my father to contunous be the more handsome. But the life of his brother was horrible when his father died. The friends of his brothers returned, to force him to give up of everything for his brother.

So the other thing that was what the mother of the priest asked and people was saying for me was Saint Mary, because if She is powerful who have to be just, was that she wanted to be virgin even being mother of the priest, that evne Jews was helping to be a shit, they write that according the right law a virgin could have a baby and if the hole didn't close she is virgen, and the other is used in everybody, is the biggest power of the end of the world. She asked that she the most gosotsona of the world, so she wanted in her house the men, but even the married ones, make sex with her in their houses, everybody asked with the boyfriend, believing that they were in Brazil, and they being in USA, this is the cause of they used th ename of famous of USA, what for? The power was more nasty, the body is opened and you have to listen that is a old woman, but is in all places even in a market, was the power that Jesus asked for the mother of his friend, so he explained of one way and receive of another much worse.

But had one problem once GrandFather no one will be lost, I had beautiful dreams at the time, sometimes the sons of God got near Him to ask years after if the meaning was other! Even He didn't knew the meaning, today see if you agree, no one will be lose because the powers was asked for Jesus and He only gonna be saved after save everybody, Jesus is powerful he will save everybody, and for Jesus had another how he is very pwoerful against him the power is bigger, so his ilussion is the most realistic, so he would have to want save everybody with all the wrongs things that he see.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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