Thursday, August 1, 2024

Nobody supposes went to talk with God

 There the people are naked of all the smartness, is only the person with the deep of his soul, the truth of the person, but against God, type that Boné, I don't say what people is, that Boné is Earth is a fake and robber, uses a lot of lie, with God forgot all he learn about lie and was a pure robber wanting robber God of all the ways, so what that woman was there when was with God?

We listen the stories and we don't know from whom they are, see that guide had a person that he supposes to work with, and he was holding a secret. I remember because I listen that about the real life, after I would say how I knew she was, she is born twice, and had a man older than she that they are the same person because the uses the same soul, people said that he open her soul since she was under 6 months because he was she and wanted to possess a baby, but the baby and he is the same person because they had the same soul, two bodies. How I did know the story, that she would be very mistreat because she was a saint that nobody knew how she loses the virginity, so was with her a lot of movies that the subject was that, one about a house that a ghost was the guy, another of a pregnancy that she didn't said who was the father. But what I knew before was that the Saint one saint that is woman, would take her virginity with her finger, so she was to not born virgen, I thought is that a person be there to be used to that purposes without even know what was the use of a female baby that born not virgin, she was judge, I believe that the judge she be a man bad enough to unvirginity a baby and use it before the 6 months age, even the male guide didn't like those things, he is friend of the saint that judge and of the one that would desvirginity she before she born, is that be part of plans that the person doesn't know, I never knew the judgment I knew that was something that she wasn't capable of accomplish. Maybe the thing they want is that his mother take her to a place to lock her body, but why?

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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