Monday, July 29, 2024

We felt pitty but this doesn't save

 I was, ha time in a party, and I though that was the night of a lesbian revenge of the girl htat she wanted. Was there a lot of friends of the victim, the friend foe, was the last year of school for them, so the foe used to say to her and I was thre listen that the professor that people used to say that had all the appearance of be lesbian was mad for her, saying nice things for her, giving presents like images of Saint Marie, small statues, that papers, rosaries, saying that she was pretty like the Saint Marie, and the victim hated very much the professor, so was a party of the end of the year in the house of another student that was the last year in the school and she even had passed, she failed but had promess a party, we were in a circle talking and the victim was talking about a trip that she had did, but right in the entrace there was the professor to give another paper with the paint of Saint Marie, weird like that. She got but when was far, she didn't never hide for the people when the preofessor wasn't seeing that didn't like her, had enter that year a very black man, ugly, probaably was form a portuguese country, htat school was of nums, so a person of another country be in a school of another country was easy, nums of around the country went for another country to be in stalations that are Catholics, you didn't knew? Had nums of that schools that were in anoterh countries because is part of be of the Catholics Church, so he was weird, and in the party the victim was talking about a travel of bus that she was with a cousin, a lady one that was more unpolite than she and they were making shame for the others singing a very sexual music that was "e rala o pinto", so she dancing in the party and singing high "e rala o pinto" than came the weird new professor that was very black and said so Fulana how is the music, the others girls that were in the circle laught of her disgrace and one by one was leaving the circle, I thought that was so discourteous and mean, but I notice that I didn't want be one of the last even me leave the circle, so she was alone with him, one another friend was with a younger boy because his boyfriend wasn't there, she wanted be far from the problem the owner of the house was close of the lesbian, the lesbian was in a room waiting the bad result of the party and I don't even know what does means. I never stay to long in the parties.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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