Thursday, July 18, 2024

They say what was in the letter people thought was figurative

 That death could be for eternal, that is diferent of forever, that the demon was our father, that the blood was impure that wash the step ladder with blood, that in a reign is taken, that had rats runing in the sacred places, that the son had went away abandon the father, that his steps was erased, that the head was decapted, that the body was taken. 

But returning to someting recent, that image in the mirror in 2 musics one I didn't show is the soul, in one was a way of vampire see himself, in the other the king see a kid and aren't asking the cepter but his soul back, and the kid walking is his soul walking for what we call the forests of our souls, memories of what he did?

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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