Friday, July 26, 2024

The backlog and the ignorance

 Had one movie that the guides said that was based on Jesus, but the guide didn't want that I see, he used to though that the messages could make my judgment, he had saw, if was wrong was two defeated, he could be fooled, I passes front th eTV what I saw don't make me want to see, porquisse, burrice, tolice in one slap of scene, I had only one doubt, why a ugly woman with a big chin, a lesbian? Is that Jesus a man that is only the clothes that fool by the appearance, the woman is so ugly that people confuse Jesus with a man? And where the "", the pals? Who are them? The pals to adventure?

Woman don't receive that way God help, see the Wizard of Oz, Dorothy had the best, the 1st friend was a person that was carrying for her safety, he was there to the others see a friend and not a female, if he didn't came first on't you think that th others could have disrespected her in place of be his friends?

Who people fool? A person in the woods, is so easy be a criminal hide from the police. Live in the nature could be a so violent or so violented person... This is true the scarecrow she find almost in the limiar of the humanity, she was got deeper and deeper of the woods, he is in the field of a farm, this is human.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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