Friday, July 26, 2024

I see with those ears

 I listen and I realise that priest serves the demon and not the Church, and fits to that priest Jesus said and is in the Bible, nobody serve two masters one it would love and the other hate, if I know about the demon hated by the other demon, they had sex, if I remember right the demon probably sometimes call him son! Once my guide said, he got mad with me, he said the New Testament is the only part need to know to defeat the demon, I said this is so few? So shallow the demon don't you think? Is that priest repeating how was his God what the ignorant demon says! The demon is stupid, that priest if repeat isn't no more the ignorant man that lived in a backyard but HE! But no, know why the priest is saint? Because nobody saw his body to testimony, the marks of the demon in his body.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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