Monday, July 29, 2024

The big lie and the spaceship

 And the big lie wanted destroy all the humanity, and he was the last of the mediocrity, and in place of want be the father of all the potatoes and onions he that could even be she wanted to be the son even being a woman of all the potatoes and onions, and the big lie would kill all the humanity and their mother an fahters would be making violent sinsex, to make all the humanity fear of so much debauchery, so the batatonas ugly women and the cebolões horridy men, would wait till the death of the last to they started the travel to the Father of the big lie and there they would became one big trash can, the big lie disrespect even kids, because the big lie is the bauchery itself. The bauchery is against God, because the big lie is the owner of the castle that others construct, with his multiracial potatoes and onions the ugliest of all the races, the only thing they need do is sinsex in name of the big lie, I am for God but that guide that is woman is cheating Him, more important that He accuse that prostitute is that woman dressed of man, is the guide make the offensor say by his own mouth to everybody listen that the prostitute is itself, the guide had to make that prostitute confess is she.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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