Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Hit me with a lightining what the title

 I received from my angelical mailing one mistake of the Saint, if Go born in animals, I think His mother is a animal, the Siant J. make God look for a human mother. Can at least those animals don't be spiritual? 

If people want that DNA, wanted very desperately, God was a much better DNA. I passed in Earth a 300 years life DNA and here was 30 years live DNA. The human race no matters the souls can't be good thing dying with 30 years. Who is intelligent with so short life, got smashed descendants for generations that are very short? With short lives like animals.

See had passed years that I talked spiritual that had 3 humans women that said that the Saint was humiliating them because they born humans to be mother of their human kids, they were fat, one of the humiliation that they were mother in past lives with 3-6 years they were cows in other lives. Was the maternal love that make them came to they kids had a better mother. At some years had people that thinks themselves holy shits that hatted animals ha souls, aren't angels that defend they, understand they had soul. I said that those souls are need, that had races that are aliens, that they had his own planets, that the planet already was canibal, when passes was one of the plans of God isn't write because was one of the Eras of the Ignorance, so God took the animals to people be cannibal, sometimes God smashes with a lot of weight when the weight is very high we have our escapes plans. Because they were sins but everybody pays, do you think that if doesn't have would in animals they would not receive a human body, we would be a very irrational planet with many kinds of spiritual defects that doesn't aren't sins. The pig is very violent, the cow I already had their defect I forgot by now the name, had times that we think that Go could crack the planet, half for us and half for who hate everything, but we gonna had the left and they the right we gonna have the top and they the bottom, we worked with the God brain at that time, He thinks and we at the same time. That God could make two twins planets. The cow is cretin, but in what level, understand? Sometimes we want another planet to the part more human see, recognize that they are the part more failure of the creation, and they always need us. They had so much importance for names we had importance for virtues, the part near God thinks very much in the virtues, but live well  among those tha tdoesn't had virtues, but don't steal the deeds of the God sons to give for a human failure, Ok! Live with the deeds of an angel or demon to a human had a big NAME! But the difference of God to who had a animal mother, God was the only human that born among the animals the others nobody knows, just God was the only.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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