Monday, July 29, 2024

There were that 3 nights?

 We sometimes are friend, but hypnotise we got far, was had that 3 nights? We had to have a worse fame, I thought was a fame of normal girl, I just more straight, other girls of my age and I went to a party at the night, my friend the one with problems, went in the first night with a t-shirt that had write sex, was a joke, say to me what means the point of a knife in the breast nipple? People that appear with junk got near her the other girls was to the opposite of the party, we were afraid of the attention that she got, they were pinching her breasts, a friend would got out of the party to people thinking that I was dating an he would he left it at home, and even was 8 hours P.M., in the next night she was to went to the party with a t-shirt that was write Jesus saves, was a joke one very stupid, people even didn't wait she say the rest of the joke in the next night, she was even more ridiculous in that night, she saying that people went to the party with cross around the neck, I didn't like the idea, I used nothing around the neck, I thought everything I had saw in movies fro teenagers that was almost porn, heart necklace, rings, bells, they were all fucked in the party, had small bottles also, so again she was a ruined sucess people reading that phrase, puting the finger in her breasts to read each word at the moment that read the word. We went to the point of the room thinking that she had to know got read of that assombrações that she call with her bad taste jokes. Had the 3rd night and I had the enough of it, I had did the enough my fame of 2nd night dating was enough. So I didn't need went, we can turn water, we had to got and went away.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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