Thursday, July 18, 2024

A saint that do that, but was he

 He went to travel with the Jacket to another planets, make piece for the bigger Saint, the emissary that went to acknowledge, sometimes I thought that he supposes to write more one chapter of the saint books that had live in anothe rplanets, he didn't do it, so he is mad... A mad that wanted to be very importnat for the humanity, I never travel to there anymore, he said that had rape, my guide said that had a part in the Bible that say that had violence in the reign of Heaven, other day I gonna read my Bible, the guy said that the rape in Hell is open the eye and in the Hell open the infinity, try discover what does means, my guide said is just very scandalous, but ask what is the diference of the rape of hell and Heaven.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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